string theory

a performance based on ropes


String Theory

rope … a tool to express ourselves

Everything is connected

“Within String Theory the story is told about how different strings (lines, ropes, vocal cords and music strings) interact with each other withinthe space they are temporally put together. Within this space their different wavelengths propagat, connect and collide with one another each time forming a new unique composition interacting with the audience.”

The performance has live music created in combination with our unique string instrument the SKYOLIN.

On SoundCloud you can listen to snippets of songs of String Theory.

A unique combination of ropes and techniques

Suitable for all ages


Frequently Asked Questions

How many artist are performing and with which techniques?

We are a group of six artists, working together in a complementary way. One musician, one aerialist on the vertical rope, an aerialist with cloud swing, two highliners and one tight rope walker.

What are the technical requirements?

Both the highline and tight wire need strong reliable anchor points. Please contact us to discuss the possibilities. We are certified for rigging of all these installations and over the years we gained a lot of knowledge and experience regarding this.

How many times do you perform?

We perform max three times/day depending on the time in between. Please contact us to discuss the options?