highline course
a personal step into the unknown
next course:
10-11/08/2024 at Freyr (BE) (full)
(new dates) 05-06/10/2024 at Freyr (BE) (click here for more info)
Learning to highline
slackening peoples mind by strengthening their balance

Highline Course
Do you have the desire to learn how to highline? Then register yourself for our highline course.
Within this course:
– the steps and skills are thought to start your highline journey
– a physical and psychological safe space is created for you to learn and grow
Any questions? Contact us for more info.
Are you an ORGANISER and are you in search of an initiation, workshop or class? We provide workshops with a formula tailormade to your audience and event. Contact us and together we make it happen.

Professional coaches with years of experience
Lifetime positive memories
Unique experiences guaranteed
Suitable for a wide range of ages

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it difficult to learn?
Learning to highline is not easy, but also not impossible. Everyone starts small, step by step. We provide the appropriate set-ups and coaching to make it possible and accessible for the participants. Together with them we extent the bounderies of what they tought was possible for them.
Is it safe?
Yes, it is safe. Highlining is always done with a leash connecting the participant to the highline system.
During the workshops the psychological and physical safety of the participants is our number one priority. We guide and secure them appropriate. A trained coach is there to aide in case of need.
Who provides the installation(s)?
All the installations are provided and installed by the Lyapunov team.