
our connection to the sky



a unique in home developed string instrument


When a musician and a rope walker join forces they aim for the sky. Out of their combined creativity, skills and passion was born a new instrument, the SKYOLIN.

The SKYOLIN has been developed over the past years and has seen several stages of transformation to get to the point where it is today. All the music is created acoustically by means of the SKYOLIN, with no alterations or special effects.

With strings into infinity it has an eye-catching grandeur and original unique mesmerizing sounds. It’s the backbone and underbelly of our own sound performance.

On Spotify and SoundCloud you can listen to a selection of our songs.

The Skyolin is part of our performances e.g. ‘STRING THEORY‘,  ‘SKY EXPLORER‘, ‘FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIC‘, ‘SKYLINE‘, ‘NETWERK‘ and can be part of our fire performances.

Eye catching grandeur and mesmerising sounds

Suitable for large audiences and big spaces

Strings into infinity connecting the sky with the ground

The Skyolin is a unique instrument in home developed by David Roussel and Johan Wuyts


Frequently Asked Questions

Is everything accoustic?

Yes, every sound you hear is created live on the spot. Depending on the song, we play a wide range of instruments. Our Skyolin is an accoustic snair instrument which is integrated within each song.

How long are the strings of the Skyolin? 

The strings of the Skyolin can go into ‘infinity’. This means, we can span a very large square, a river, up to the top of buildings, into trees, over the audience, …

Is it weather proof?

We can perform both inside and outside, however, our instruments are sensitive and we prefer to keep them dry.